Happiness in a Bowl: Try These Wholesome Bowls for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner

They say that the best things come in small packages, and while some might think it’s “go big or go home” when it comes to eating, some of the most nourishing meals can fit in a bowl. Eating wholesome bowls is becoming a huge trend for the on-the-go busy professionals as they flock to restaurants like The Little Beet to get their daily bite. Should you join them? Here are a few reasons why bowls are quickly overtaking plates along with some tasty ideas to try when you head out to a gluten free DC restaurant. 

Gluten Free New York City Restaurants

Bowls Are the Best for On-the-Go Nourishment

If you’re a busy professional who is always on the move between your home, the office, and meetings, you might not have time to eat a three-course meal or messy dish. Bowls were practically invented for taking on the go, and with everything carefully layered in the bowl, you have all of the wholesome ingredients you need in one convenient package.

Bowls Are Buildable and Balanced

By design, bowls allow you to layer various ingredients in perfect harmony. From grains on the bottom to greens above that, protein, and then finishing touches like a sprinkle of super seeds, bowls are the perfect vessel for all kinds of wholesome, balanced meals. While you can do the same on a plate, bowls provide portion control and buildability that flat surfaces can’t match.

Bowls Just Look Better

We eat with our eyes first, and the aesthetics of our meals can play a role in how we taste them. When you look at images from a leading gluten free Washington DC restaurant’s menu, it’s hard not to crave their bowls. With so many colors and healthy ingredients, meals in bowls almost look like a work of art.

So, how do you build your daily nutrition around bowls? Here are a few ideas to try. 

Wake Up on the Sunny Side

A healthy, wholesome breakfast is crucial for your daily success. To power you up, you need thoughtful ingredients that will keep you alert and fed throughout the morning. You’ll find breakfast bowls with your usual breakfast staples such as eggs, turkey bacon, and avocado, but incorporating more greens or even grains like quinoa and basmati rice can help power you up for the day ahead. 

For the Rest of the Day

After breakfast, your options expand, and there are seemingly endless bowl combos you can try depending on how you’re feeling. What you order can largely depend on your eating style, but whether you’re gluten-free, low-carb, vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore, there’s a bowl for you. From poke bowls to vegetarian bowls with baked beet falafels and broccoli, grab a bowl and keep moving feeling your best yet.

About The Little Beet  

If you believe that the food you eat should make you feel your best, the Little Beet is for you. The fast-casual restaurant has locations spread out across the east coast in New York, Washington DC, Virginia, New Jersey, and Florida. They use wholesome ingredients sourced from trusted farmers and purveyors to ensure you feel at your best after eating their food. What makes the Little Beet so special is their commitment to gluten-free food that you can count on. They have an option for everyone, from vegans and vegetarians to low-carb eaters and omnivores alike. If you’re looking for the best fast-casual, on-the-go gluten free NYC restaurant, or anywhere else they operate, choose the Little Beet. 

Check out The Little Beet’s menu and order online at Thelittlebeet.com


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